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Catholics Are Wrong
According to the Bible
Back in the 1960’s, the Catholics said it was a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays. Paul had just left Catholicism, but he still was afraid of disobeying several things he had been taught since his childhood, and eating meat on Friday was one of them. So, each Friday I would cook fish of some kind.
Since then, the Catholics made a new rule. Now it is OK to eat meat on Friday.
Now, a question: If it was a sin for people to eat meat on Friday back then, and it isn’t today, does that mean all those people who sinned this mortal sin of eating meat on Friday are doomed to Hell? And those who now eat meat on Friday since the rule was changed, will go to Heaven?
Does this make sense to you? God does NOT change, ever! How then can the Catholic church change it’s mind on this and other many other things as well?
Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. [KJV]
Below are some false doctrines of the Catholics, according to the Bible.
False: A person can be justified by baptism.
True: A person can be justified only by faith in Jesus (Rom.3:38; 5:1).
False: Justification can be furthered by good works and sacraments.
True: Justification is God’s applying the righteousness of Christ to us (1 Cor.1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21).
False: Salvation is achieved by grace through faith, plus good works and sacraments.
True: Salvation is attained by grace through faith, WITHOUT any works we do (Eph.2:8-9). Good works are the results of salvation, NOT the cause of salvation (Eph.2:10). Jesus paid it ALL! We need do nothing except BELIEVE in faith! John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. [KJV]
False: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin is a life-long process. We have to keep working at it.
True: Salvation from the eternal consequences of sin happens immediately upon acceptance of Christ. It is an act of God, which happens simultaneously with justification (Rom.5:9).
False: Grace is a quality of the soul, something that perfects the soul.
True: Grace is the undeserved favor of God (Eph.1:7-8).
False: Sacraments (rituals, rites) are a necessary channel of grace.
True: A "born again" believer (God’s child, John 1:12-13) is the constant object of the Father’s grace (Rom.5:1-2).
False: Grace is merited (earned, deserved) by good works.
True: Grace is a free gift from God (Rom.11:6). We do NOT deserve God’s grace.
False: Serious sins must be confessed to a priest.
True: ALL sins are to be confessed ONLY to God the Father (Ezra 10:11; 1 John 1:9).
False: When the guilt of sin is forgiven, temporary punishment remains.
True: When God forgives sin, He forgives COMPLETELY (Is.43:25; Jer.31:34; Ps.103:12; Mic.7:18-19; 1 John 1:9; Heb.8:12; 10:17).
False: Venial (excusable) sins do not incur eternal punishment.
True: EVERY sin is punishable by eternal death (Hell) without Jesus (Rom.6:23).
False: Purgatory is necessary to atone for sin and cleanse the soul.
True: Purgatory does NOT exist! NOWHERE in the Bible does this word appear, or is its doctrine taught. Jesus alone made atonement for our sins possible on the cross (Heb.1:3; Rom.3:24-25; 5:11).
False: Suffering souls in purgatory can be helped by those alive on Earth by prayers, good works and mass.
True: Absent from the body, present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8).
False: No one can know for sure if they will have eternal life in Heaven.
True: "Born again" believers can know they have eternal life by God’s Word (John 3:15-16; 5:24; 6:47; 10:28; Rom. 6:23; Tit.1:2; 3:7; 1 John 5:4-5,11).
False: You must belong to a certain denomination or you will never be saved.
True: Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV) NO church (denomination) can save your soul. NO other person or church can save you. Salvation comes ONLY through Christ Jesus!
False: A person must be baptized to be saved.
True: The thief on the cross was not baptized (Luke 23:43). It is the right thing to do, but baptism will NOT save you.
False: The good a person does will be weighed against the bad, at the judgment. If the good outweighs the bad, that person is allowed into Heaven.
True: A person MUST be "born again" or they will not even "see" Heaven (John 3:3).
False: Mary was preserved from the stain of original sin from the moment of her conception.
True: Mary, as a descendant of Adam, was a sinner the same as every other human (Ps.51:5; Rom.5:12).
False: Mary, the "all-holy" lived a sinless life.
True: Mary was an absolutely wonderful person, but she was sinner (Ec.7:20; Rom.3:10,23). Only God alone is Holy (Ex.15:11; 1 Sam.6:20; Ps.99:9; Is.6:3; Luke 18:19; Rev.15:4).
False: Mary was a virgin before, during and after the birth of Christ.
True: Mary was a virgin UNTIL the birth of Christ (Is.7:14; Mat.1:25). Later on, she had other children (Ps.69:8; Mat.13:55-56; Luke 2:7; John 7:3,5; Acts 1:14).
False: Mary is the mother of God.
True:God has NO mother. God is eternal, having no beginning or nor end. God is the Creator of all things (Mary included). Mary, a created being, was the mother of the Man, Jesus (John 1:1-3; 2:1).
False: Mary is the mother of the church.
True: Mary is a MEMBER of the church (Acts 1:14; 1 Cor.12:13,27).
False: Mary is the co-redeemer, for she participated with Christ in the painful act of redemption.
True: Christ, and Christ alone is the Redeemer, for He ALONE suffered and died for the sin of mankind (Mary included). NO where in the Bible does it say anything about a co-redeemer! (Mat.20:28; Eph.1:7; Heb.9:12; Col.1:14; 1 Peter 1:18-19). Mary did NOT die on the cross, she lived after Jesus’ death (John 19:26-27).
False: Mary is co-mediator, and we can go to her in prayer.
True: Christ Jesus alone is the ONLY Mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions (1 Tim.2:5; John 13:14; 1 Peter 5:7). There is NO co-mediator!
False: Mary has been exalted by God as queen of Heaven and Earth and she should be praised with special devotion.
True: This is absolutely false and utter nonsense! ONLY THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS IS TO BE PRAISED, FOR HE AND HE ALONE IS EXALTED ABOVE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH (Ps.148:13). God’s command to us is: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Ex.20:3). Jesus said we must not put ANYONE before Him (and that includes His mother Mary) or we are not worthy of Him (Mat.10:37-38). The Queen of Heaven was a name for Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of love and fertility. After the fall of Jerusalem, the refugees from Judah who fled to Egypt continued to worship her (Jer.7:18; 44:17-19, 25). We should NOT worship any other god OR goddess. We should worship only the Almighty God, our Creator. Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [KJV] Mary is NOT God!
False: Peter was the head of the apostles.
True: CHRIST was the Head of the apostles (John 13:13).
False: Peter was never married.
True: Peter WAS married (Mat.8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38).
False: The pope is infallible (perfect, unerring) in his authoritative teaching.
True: The pope is only a man, a sinner as are ALL men. Only God alone is infallible (Num.23:19).
False: Peter was the first pope.
True: NOWHERE in any place, in all Scripture does it say that Peter was a pope.
False: Scripture and tradition together are the word of God.
True: Scripture ALONE is the Word of God (2 Tim.3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). We should stay far away from all man-made doctrines (Mat.15:9).
False: We should bow before the pope.
True: We should NEVER bow before any man! We should bow ONLY before Almighty God alone (Acts 10:26). The pope is simply a man, a sinner, just as are all men (Rom. 3:10;23).
False: Peter demanded that he be worshipped, bowed down to; just like the popes and bishops of today.
True: Just the opposite is true, Peter absolutely REFUSED to be worshipped (Acts 10:25-26).
False: We should call the pope "holy father".
True: We should call NO man "father" in a spiritual sense (Mat.23:9). Neither should we call any man "reverend" for that word is reserved for God, and God alone (Ps.111:9).
False: We should repeat prayers over and over again to make sure God hears.
True: We should AVOID vain repetitions of any prayers of any kind. Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. (KJV)
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