His Servants' Ministry

The BIBLE has the answer


We serve our Lord and Master willingly with faith, love, honor and gratitude.
We appreciate and thank Him for all He has done for us.


The BIBLE has the answer


This is our Web Site about God's JUDGMENT on the wicked world


There shall be a JUDGMENT DAY for all people, and all nations

Judgment Day


About Our Ministry

The TRUTH About Salvation

Our Doctrinal Position


BOOKS You Should read

Books You Should Read


Is There Really a GOD?

YES!!! There Really IS a God!

Is There Really a God?


Is Jesus Really God?

Is Jesus REALLY God?'


Is There REALLY A Hell?

YES! There IS really a Hell!


Dangerous CULTS

Deceptive False Doctrine


Doctrine Very Deceptive

Koran's Teaching vs The Bible

Many Judgments in The Bible


Home Page


We do not copyright anything. All material on this web site is here to provide free Biblical information. Anyone may freely use any or all the information present, to honor and glorify our awesome Triune God. All material here must remain free to "whosoever."




Welcome to our web site


Today's world is getting further and further away from the one and only TRUE God, the Creator of the Universe. For the millions in this ever enlarging group, judgment awaits with their destiny, the Lake of Fire!

Rev. 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire(KJV)

My friend, Hell is real! Do NOT let some smiling, smooth-talker tell you differently! He is a deceiver and will lead your soul straight to HELL!

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An Apostate World


Apostasy in the Last Days

Apostacy or Rebellion?

Apostate Carnal Nature

Apostate Christianity

Christians Leaving God's Word


Home Page

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The BIBLE has the answer